Intervenciones enfocadas a la prevención de la formación de una hernia paraestomal en personas con ostomías de eliminación
Interventions aimed at preventing the formation of a parastomal hernia in people with removal ostomies
1. Martín Rivera DE, Castillo Ayala A, Caparrós Sanz MR, Ecenarro Rivera MT, et al. Calidad percibida por ostomizados en la utilización de un nuevo producto que contiene miel de manuka. Rev ROL Enferm. 2019; 42(3):9-14. Disponible en: [Acceso: 22/12/2021].
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15. Ruiz MD, et al. Impacto study: Expert nursing care: an essential factor for the ostomy patient rehabilitation.Oral communica-tions of the 11th Biennial Congress of European Council of Enterostomal Therapists (ECET); 2011; 113:12-15 Disponible en: [Acceso: 22/12/2021].
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17. Soares Y, Leite LR, Albes D, Da Cruz FA, et al. Necessidade real do doente: perceção de pessoas com ostomias intestinais sobre os fatores associados às complicações. Revista de Enfermagem Referência, 2019; IV(22):63-71 Disponible en: [Acceso: 22/12/2021].
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34. Ho M, Ho J, Fong D, Lee CF, et al. Effects of dietary and physical activity interventions on generic and cancer-specific health-related quality of life, anxiety, and depression in colorectal cancer survivors: a randomized controlled trial. Cancer Surviv. 2020; 14(4):424-433 Disponible en: [Acceso: 22/12/2021].
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